diapers in a basket for a baby shower

Diaper Raffle Ideas

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So, you have found yourself hosting a baby shower and it is time to start the planning. You may have set the perfect theme, location, and color scheme, but when it comes to the games and entertainment, things can get a bit more tricky.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been to one too many baby showers where the games are less-than-exciting. You know the ones where the host announces it is time for a game and everyone starts getting darty-eyed, mumbling under their breath, and moving towards the door? Or is this just me??

 It is time to break away from these awkward games with their subpar prizes and have an activity for your guests that is truly enjoyable and fun for all.

Enter: the diaper raffle. Simple to organize and implement, diaper raffles will not only be super entertaining for your guests, but the parents-to-be will be prepared to take on life with their new bundle of joy–one dirty diaper at a time!

Implement these quick and easy diaper raffle ideas, and you’ll be on your way to throwing a baby shower that everyone is sure to enjoy!

What is a diaper raffle?

It is simple, really. A diaper raffle is a way for your guests to enjoy themselves, and expecting parents to take home loads of diapers and wipes as they anticipate the arrival of their little one.

Let’s be honest, diapers are usually not everyone’s favorite baby shower item to give as a gift. And although they may be low on the baby shower glamour gift list, they will soon be super high on the priority list once that sweet baby is here.

New mamas usually don’t think about the amount of diapers that they soon will be slinging (*cough cough* it’s A LOT) and as we all know, it is way more fun registering for and buying cute baby clothes than it is for diapers and wipes. As the host, including a diaper raffle at your shower will inevitably have those parents thanking you BIG time (if not now, then give it a few months).

You might also want to give your guests an opportunity to bring baby wipes as well. Baby wipes and diapers go hand in hand, as they play a pretty essential role in the whole diaper changing process. Baby wipes are definitely something that new parents will need lots of on hand. 

How do you write a diaper raffle on an invitation?

You really do not need to overthink this one! Remember, most everyone is knowledgeable on the rules of a raffle. Including a diaper raffle on your invitation is very simple, and something anyone can do! 

First off, keep your instructions clear and simple so that your guests know exactly what to expect. No one likes being bogged down with too many rules!

Next, you will need to decide if you want to write your raffle instructions straight onto the invitation itself, or include a tangible “raffle ticket” with the invitation. Either way works great, but if you decide to include a ticket, make sure to keep reading for some fun ticket ideas!

Explain to guests that for every pack of diapers that they bring, their name will be put in a hat and entered to win one (or multiple) really great prizes! This will incentivize your guests to bring more than one pack of diapers or wipes, which is a major win for the new parents!

You will also need to decide if you want to assign your guests a certain diaper size, or let them choose. Clearly note this on the invitation or the raffle ticket that you’ve included. Make sure the new mama knows that diapers are easily exchanged if she gets too many diapers of a particular size.

If you would like further guidance in creating the perfect diaper raffle invitation wording, check out this diaper raffle wording template for a step by step formula to the perfect diaper raffle invitation!

Diaper raffle wording: 

You are going to want to make sure to include clever and fun wording in your invitation to make guests anticipate the fun they will have once they are at the shower you are hosting! An entertaining play on words or diaper raffle poem is always fun and will most definitely humor your guests.

Check out the 15 Best Diaper Raffle Wording post for some clever ideas that are sure to make your guests want to join in on the fun!

Diaper raffle ticket ideas:

When including a raffle ticket with your invitation, you want to make sure that the ticket captures your guest’s eye–it is pretty important for your guests to know that a diaper raffle is happening!

This would be the perfect opportunity to let your creative juices fly. Whether you are telling your guests about the diaper raffle straight on the invitation, or creating an additional card that you will insert with the invitation, opportunity abounds for creativity!

Get clever with your diaper raffle wording, incorporate your theme using colors or graphics, tie in the parents of honor… these are all small, easy ways you can spruce up your diaper raffle ticket while getting your guests interested and excited about your upcoming party!

How does a diaper raffle work?

The diaper raffle rules are simple: each of your guests will receive a “raffle ticket” alongside their invitation to the shower. This ticket will instruct the guests to bring diapers and/or wipes to the shower for their chance to enter their name in a raffle.

Once at the shower, guests will write their names on their tickets and place it into a bowl. The more packs of diapers guests bring, the more times their name is entered in the bowl and the greater their chances of winning a prize. 

As the host, you will need to plan the number of raffle drawings that you will do, and coordinate the prizes. You could do one raffle drawing for a large prize, a large diaper raffle drawing with a couple of smaller drawings, or multiple small raffle prize drawings. Check out some interesting baby shower prizes that all your guests would love!

Diaper raffles are a win/win when it comes to fun, quick baby shower activity. If you are looking for something low key with big impact, this is the way to go. With a little prep on your part, it’s easy to implement and a crowd pleaser for all–even the guys will want to get involved in this baby shower game!

Diaper raffle prize ideas:

When it comes to giving diaper raffle prizes at your baby shower, you want to make sure that your guests are well rewarded for their effort and generosity of bringing diapers and wipes. 

Whether you are doing one large raffle prize, or multiple raffles throughout the shower, you want to focus on the quality of your prizes. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t want it, other people probably wouldn’t either. Your guests will love winning a prize(s) that is a quality gift. 

Make sure that your diaper raffle prizes are thought out and that the prize would be fun for any guest at your shower to win, regardless of their age or gender. Take into account who you are inviting, and what their interests may be.

Having a co-ed shower? Make sure that you have prizes that both the guys and gals would enjoy. A date night basket, a nice bottle of wine, or movie tickets would be a sure fire way to impress guests of both genders! 

If your diaper raffle is for a ladies-only baby shower, organize a cute gift basket filled with home items or a fun new cookbook. Chances are, if it is a prize you would love, it is a prize your guests would love as well. 

When in doubt, gift cards are always a crowd pleaser and something that everyone can use and appreciate. And with gift cards readily available almost anywhere, it would be quick and easy to pick up to prepare for your raffle–especially if you are short on time!

So you now know what a diaper raffle is, you are confident in how to throw a baby shower and incorporate a diaper raffle, and you have lots of diaper raffle prize ideas….Congrats! You are ready to host a baby shower!

With these quick and easy steps, you are on your way to having a shower that others will truly enjoy–and you will too! Your guests are sure to thank you for a great time, and the expecting parents will certainly appreciate such a thoughtful and practical way to prepare them for their sweet little one, which is what this is all about, right? Cheers!

More Baby Shower Tips!

Picture of About Ashleigh Allman

About Ashleigh Allman

Hi, I'm Ashleigh! I'm a crafty mom who loves planning baby showers. With my experience in DIY crafts and event planning, I help take the stress out of planning the best modern baby shower!

Hi, I’m Ashleigh!

I love helping women create modern baby showers that let them celebrate new baby & mom. It’s my passion to help you create a fun baby shower with games, activities, favors, and printables.

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