new dad survival kit ideas

Ultimate New Dad Survival Kit List

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So, you know a new dad, and you’re thinking, ‘what could I gift him to ease the transition into fatherhood’?

Giving new gifts for dad to be is a kind of a new concept! But the expectations of new dads has changed (for the better) to an engaged partner from the day baby is born.

Enter, the new dad survival kit. The items in any dad starter kit give the new daddy the tools to…

  • help calm his baby
  • give him the fatherhood confidence he needs
  • take over diaper duty
  • survive that newborn life

DIY a new daddy survival kit with a few essential items! Maybe even a few funny ones! The new dad in your life will be set up to take on any challenge (or poopy diaper) that his sweet little bundle of joy throws at him.

Here are a few of our must-haves for any new dad survival kit! 

New Dad Guide Book

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We all know that babies don’t come with an instruction manual, but this book will help dad prepare for the adventure of fatherhood! Honestly, nothing really can prepare you for the crazy experience of becoming responsible for the life of a tiny human, but this book does make it a little easier.

The Ultimate Baby Book for New Dads has great information without being judgy or preachy. And the book is easy to read with great visuals!  

Read Aloud Book for Baby

Pick out a special book for dad to read to baby. Even when they are infants babies learn to recognize the voice of their parents. Reading a book aloud can create that sweet bonding that dad’s sometimes miss out on! 

Board books are a must for newborn babies to toddlers, especially when babies start reaching and grabbing the books. A sturdy board book will stand up against babies much longer!

Here are a few of our favorite baby books to read to a newborn.

Goodnight Moon

I Love You Little Pookie

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

A good swaddle

When it comes to soothing a baby on the spot, nothing usually does the trick faster than swaddling that little bundle of joy. 

There are so many different types of swaddles on the market, but you want to make sure you get something dad can successfully use to calm his baby.

Our family loved these two options, as they kept our little escape artist wrapped tight and snug, but also very dad-user friendly.

Aden + Anais Essentials Easy Wrap Swaddle

I love all things Aden + Anais! But their easy wrap swaddle is one of my favorites. I had the hardest time swaddling each of my little babies, but the easy wrap made it, well easy!

Not to mention Aden + Anais always use the softest muslin material to create the easy wrap. It has a snug fit

Woombie Original Baby Swaddle

Our family loves the Woombie because it is a snug fit, but still has enough room for little hands to move around without being startled awake.

Also, the zipper makes it super easy to change diapers in the middle of the night!

Soothing Pacifiers

No, not every baby takes a pacifier. But if the new dad has one that does, it’s essential that he is stocked up.

Sometimes a crying baby just wants his paci, and frantically searching the house for one can send any calm dad into a frenzy. Having plenty of pacifiers on hand is crucial for your new daddy survival kit!

The best type of paci is the one that baby will actually use! There are tons on Amazon that you could easily browse. Consider purchasing a few different types so new dad can find

MAM Soothing Pacifiers for Newborns

These soothing pacifiers are perfect for newborns because they are small and lightweight!

Pacifier Clips

Speaking of pacifiers, you want to make sure that you include pacifier clips in your new dad survival kit.

Babies have a mysterious ways of launching their pacifiers behind furniture, in small crevices, and in other nondisclosed places you would never find them.

Having a pacifier clip keeps your baby’s paci close by, off the floor, and will give the new daddy a peace of mind knowing he doesn’t have to search high and low when the new baby gets fussy.

Zipper onesies

Ahhh, zipper onesies. This is arguably one of the most crucial things for any new dad survival kit. Do not, I repeat, do not give a new dad any baby clothing with snaps.

Onesies with zippers make it so much easier for dressing and changing diapers, making for a happy baby and a happy dad.

When my son was young, we were even gifted a onesie with magnets, making it even easier to dress him (and it was easily my husband’s favorite thing to put him in). 

Here are a few easy outfits to help dad survive those first few months!

Burt’s Bees Zipper Onesie

Posh Peanut

TV subscription

Okay, yes. Dad COULD survive without this one. But hear me out…

Those first few months that you bring that baby home, there is a lot of sleeping – at least for baby – and hanging out at home. A subscription to Netflix, Prime TV, Hulu, etc could really be beneficial for a new dad while he is snuggling his new baby on the couch.

Pop-in stroller

This was a game changer for my husband, so I would be crazy to not include it on this new dad survival list.

A stroller that you can just pop your babies car seat into makes getting out of the house significantly easier for everyone. No one, especially dad’s, wants to transfer their baby from car seat to stroller during those first few months.

Having this stroller gave my husband the confidence to run quick errands with our baby (and gave me some time at home alone). It was a win-win for our entire family.

They make pop-in strollers for just about every carseat, but double check that your is compatible before buying! Here was our favorite:

Graco SnugRider Car Seat Carrier

Bottle warmer

This will just make the new dad’s life easier– and isn’t that what a new dad survival kit is all about? 
A bottle warmer will perfect that milk temperature, making it easier for baby to take a bottle, and happiness will ensue for all.

Baby-sleep programs

Not everyone wants to sleep train their baby, but if things get desperate for the new dad, a sleep training program can be clutch.

There are so many different programs on the market. You can read books, do online seminars, or even have a sleep training coach to talk with on the phone. 

All dad’s are going to need their sleep, so this would be a very helpful item to include in a new dad survival kit!

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, has been a great book for a less strict and overwhelming sleep routine.

Reference book

Yes, we have the power of the internet, but with all of the parenting opinions on the web, it’s nice to have a tried and true book to reference when things get tricky with your baby.

New dad’s will appreciate having something handy that they can reference in times of need. And since most baby books are written by pediatricians, you know the advice given is solid.

Here is one of our very favorite books to keep around the house:

A baby swing

It’s all fun and games until the new dad needs to use the bathroom, or cook something, or do anything that requires him to not be holding a baby.

A baby swing serves many purposes and for that reason, has made our list for a new dad survival kit. Not only do baby swings allow the new daddy to be hands free for a minute, but they also serve as a great soothing device for babies!

As always, you can always go bigger and better, but my family found that this simple swing did the job perfectly and was also easy to store!

Restaurant gift cards

Restaurant gift cards are a must on any dad survival kit guide. While home cooked meals are often appreciated, it is so nice to be able to run out (or order in) from the new dad’s favorite eatery. 

A gift card is a simple thing that you could add to any new dad survival kit… because hey, dad’s gotta eat!


We couldn’t write a new dad’s survival checklist without including the one thing that would be very hard to survive daddy diaper duty without… diapers.

Diaper duty is a real thing, and every dad needs to be prepared! We even put together a little diaper daddy tool kit including all the things dad needs to clean baby’s bum!

Here’s the thing, no dad wants to be stuck in the stinky (literally) situation where their new precious one just had a blow out, and when they go to reach for a diaper, there’s nothing there. Help prepare dad by including diapers in their new dad survival kit. This will help with all those diaper changes when dad is around.

Car diaper caddy

If the new dad doesn’t want to tote around a diaper bag, a diaper caddy for his car may be the way to go, and ultimately keep this new dad surviving!

Caddys can hold extra diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and spare clothes for accidents on the go! No new father wants to be caught out on the town with a baby that just had a major accident. A diaper caddy provides the dad with the things he needs, right there in his car!


Let’s be honest, life is about to get a whole lot louder for the new dad. Earphones are the perfect little item to add to any new dad gift basket. Especially if dad is working from home, noise cancelling headphones are a must!


Sleep will be a little bit harder to come by once the new baby arrives. Give the new dad the gift of caffeine to make sure that he survived those first few weeks on little sleep!

Red light therapy bulb

Studies show, red light helps give everyone a more peaceful night’s sleep. By emitting a red glow, the light helps soothe and get everyone back to sleep after getting up for diaper changes, feedings, etc.

 Help the new dad swap up the bulbs in his home by including red light bulbs in his new dad survival kit!

Baby medicine

It’s always a good idea to be well stocked on baby meds and a perfect addition to any new dad survival kit!You never know when your little one may start to feel ill, so preparing the new dad can go a long way.

Make sure to include a diaper rash cream, infant Tylenol or Motrin, gas drops, and a Nose Frida (my favorite). 

Picture of About Ashleigh Allman

About Ashleigh Allman

Hi, I'm Ashleigh! I'm a crafty mom who loves planning baby showers. With my experience in DIY crafts and event planning, I help take the stress out of planning the best modern baby shower!

Hi, I’m Ashleigh!

I love helping women create modern baby showers that let them celebrate new baby & mom. It’s my passion to help you create a fun baby shower with games, activities, favors, and printables.

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