baby shower gifts for new mom

How Much to Spend on a Baby Shower Gift

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So, you’re headed to a baby shower and you have found yourself asking, ‘what is baby shower gift giving etiquette?’

Let’s be honest, when you get ahold of a new mama’s baby shower registry, it can be overwhelming. With all the different choices and all the varying price points, you have a lot to consider when purchasing a gift for mom to be.

You don’t want to spend too little, but also spending an enormous amount of money on a baby shower gift may come off as a little awkward. So where is the happy medium, and how much money do you actually spend??

It can be a tough question that has many different variables that come into play, but have no fear, we are here to lay out different scenarios to help you decide on how much to spend on the baby gift.

Set a Budget for the Baby Shower Gift

Before I can jump headfirst into the baby shower gift spending guide, I must say, the number one thing you need to keep in mind when deciding how much to spend on a baby shower gift is your personal budget. 

There is no need to overly stress or break the bank on a baby shower gift. When it comes down to it, you can spend very little and still give a gift that any new parent will appreciate!

If your budget is small, then you could include a special DIY baby shower gift or a heart felt card along with a purchase from the gift registry.

How well do you know mom-to-be

First things first, you need to ask yourself, how well do you know the parents to be? Are they super close friends of yours? Old buddies from college? A neighbor or more distant relative? A coworker?

All of these different types of relationships warrant different types of gift giving etiquette. If you hardly know your neighbor, you probably don’t want to show up to the shower with the biggest ticket item. And if you are gifting something to your best friend, you may want to spend a little extra.

Considering your relationship to the new parents will quickly help you find the perfect amount of cash that you want to spend on a baby shower gift.

What kind of shower are you attending?

Whether you know the new mama intimately, or she is a coworker that you small talk with, make sure you know the theme of their baby shower before you decide on a gift.

Most showers are general baby showers where you pull items off of a registry to gift the new mom and dad. However, there is a growing popularity in baby showers where you just bring a book or certain size of clothing for the new baby. This is especially true for baby shower sprinkles for second or third time Mama’s and since you want to stay on budget, it’s good to know in advance what type of shower you are stepping into.

Check the registry

Most new parents create a baby registry for at least one store, if not several. Creating this registry is basically putting out a blaring light that says “we want/need these things!”

Check the baby registry for ideas on the prices of the items the new parents need.

Ways to save on baby gifts

If you can only spend a bit, consider things like bibs, pacifiers, wash clothes, or burp clothes for their little one. These types of gifts are always on a new mama’s registry and are usually on the less expensive side.

If you are super tight on cash, consider offering up something for free like babysitting for a date night or even helping clean their house. These little gestures can save your budget and the new parents would be super grateful.

Don’t forget coupons! Places like Target or Buy Buy Baby often run specials on baby products or have discounts. If you see an item cheaper than the store the new mama registered, it’s ok to snag it!

Consider doing a DIY project for the new little one. A sweet homemade gift can be very sentimental for a new mama, and something she would treasure forever! 

With that being said, let’s break down several scenarios and figure out just how much you should spend on a baby shower gift.

Baby shower for a coworker

You have been invited to a baby shower for a coworker, and now you have to decide how much you need to spend on a baby gift. 

Coworker baby shower gifts can be tricky, because while you see these people everyday, they may not necessarily be your closest friends. So you want to do something nice for them, but keep the price point under control.

On average for this type of gift, I would suggest spending $20-30 on a baby shower gift for a coworker. This range opens up a ton of options, as there are many things on the market that fall into that spending category.

Baby shower for an acquaintance

Ahhh so you have been invited to a baby shower for someone you may not know that well. It could be someone you know from a similar social circle, a neighbor, or a family member you haven’t talked to in some time. You definitely want to go to the baby shower, but don’t want to spend a fortune on the shower gift.

For this type of situation, I would spend around $25 for a gift. This might be a smaller item such as a sound machine or baby bathtub. But keep in mind, although you are spending a little bit less, you are providing things new parents will need for their little one which will be greatly appreciated!

Baby shower for a friend

This is most likely the type of shower you are most often attending, so you definitely want to figure out what you would like to spend, as you will probably be doing this several times.

If attending a shower for a friend, you may want to spend more than you would on an acquaintance, but not so much as you would on a closest friend.

The suggested price range for how much to spend on a baby shower gift for a friend would be $40-$50. This range allows for lots of nicer gifts, such as a diaper pail or crib linens.

Baby shower for your bestie

Alright, if you feel like splurging, this is where I am giving the green light. You want to make your best friend feel special, and giving the perfect gift can do just that! 

Plus, as you are a very close friend and inside source, you probably know something that the new mama is very excited about getting, and this could be a fun way to surprise her with that special gift!

When it comes to gifting your bestie a baby shower gift, I would definitely suggest spending a little bit more. The $50-$100 range can guarantee a very nice gift for the child of your dearest friend.

You can also be creative with this–if you know your best friend would love a new pajamas for the hospital or a fun new bag for her to pack for the hospital, why not indulge her with this fun gift?!

Baby shower for a close relative

This category calls on grandparents, aunts/uncles, and other close relatives of the new bundle of joy.

Buying a gift for your grandchildren or neice/nephew definitely allows you to spend a bit more than the other categories. If you are perplexed on how much to spend on a baby shower gift for a close relative, we would suggest anywhere from $100 or up.

Heirloom type baby items are great purchases for this type of baby shower gift. Consider something that the child or parent may keep forever, such as a rocking chair or the babies new crib. These items are not only necessities for the new parents, but something they will cherish forever.

Joint baby shower gifts

Joint baby shower gifts are also a great time to pull your money together with other friends or family and get one of the bigger items the new mama might have registered for. 

Since most people are not spending hundreds of dollars on a baby shower gift, this gives the new mama an opportunity to receive those more expensive gifts. Examples could include big ticket items such as a stroller, a car seat, or any nursery furniture.

In closing

Please, do not stress over the amount of money you need to spend on a baby shower gift. You simply showing up to support the new parents is kind enough as it is! 

Here is a little recap of guidelines to remember:

  1.  Check your budget and know your financial limits. 
  2. Check the new parents registry to figure out exactly what they are looking for, and what you can afford. 
  3. Double check ways that you could save money.
  4. Evaluate your relationship with the new parents to determine an appropriate price range for a baby gift to give them.
  5. Go to the sweet baby shower, enjoy yourself, and offer to help out once that sweet new baby gets here!

Picture of About Ashleigh Allman

About Ashleigh Allman

Hi, I'm Ashleigh! I'm a crafty mom who loves planning baby showers. With my experience in DIY crafts and event planning, I help take the stress out of planning the best modern baby shower!

Hi, I’m Ashleigh!

I love helping women create modern baby showers that let them celebrate new baby & mom. It’s my passion to help you create a fun baby shower with games, activities, favors, and printables.

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